国际科学咨询委员会成立于1987年,由世界顶尖研究员、临床医生以及相关领域的资深顾问组成。他们迅速集中精力,潜心研究绵羊肝脏组织细胞的生物机能。 经过深入细致的研究之后,科学咨询委员会成功研制出一种细胞精华素-一种经由精炼净化含生物活性成分的配方。
The secret of Revitalisation
Rietschel教授参与支持CLP的科学研究已达20多年。 鉴于其贡献,他被授予许多奖项,包括由法兰西共和国颁发的杰出贡献勋章,联邦德国颁发的一等联邦十字勋章以及日本政府颁发的配有颈带的旭日(金光)勋章。
科恩阿曼德(Cohen Armand)博士 (长寿)
阿曼德博士曾担任以色列卫生部老年病科主任多年。 他在以色列创建了‘家庭医院’,允许一些慢性或长期需要住院医治的患者可以在家就医。 他也是以色列持续时间最长的大规模老年人纵向研究的创始调研人员之一。
德拉根斯基博格丹(Draganski Bogdan)教授 (神经学家)
德拉根斯基博格丹副教授,保加利亚人,瑞士洛桑大学医院临床神经科学系神经病学顾问,神经成像实验室LREN主任。 在获得德国临床神经病学资格后,他在英国伦敦UCL德神经病学研究所从事神经退行性和运动障碍的计算解剖学研究,随后在德国莱比锡(Leipzig)的马克斯-普朗克(Max-Planck)人类认知和大脑科学研究所进行研究。
福利希尔维奥(Folli Silvio)博士
福利希尔维奥博士在洛桑大学的体育科学与体育研究所(ISSEP)任教了8年。 他还参与了持续的培训,并在该领域举办了多次会议。他至今仍在该大学的健康与体育中心(CASS),瑞士洛桑联邦理工学院以及位于马科林(Macolin)的联邦体育学校(EFSM)任教。 此外,自1996年以来,福利博士一直是瑞士奥林匹克协会(A.O.S.)的代表,为精英运动员提供营养分析,建议和营养补充剂服务。
冈塞斯努斯尔塞弥拉(Gonseth Nussle Semira)博士 (表观遗传医学)
Semira Gonseth Nusslé is a medical doctor specialized in prevention and researcher in epigenetic epidemiology. She is an executive at the University center for general medicine and public health in Lausanne (Unisanté), co-investigator of the Swiss Health Study and the Covid-19 Seroprevalence study. Prior to this position, she studied the epigenetics of cancer in UC Berkeley and UC San Francisco where she developed the idea of an epigenetic testing company in the UC Berkeley incubator Skydeck. She came back to Switzerland and started her company in the Swiss Health Valley ecosystem, which she manages part-time while doing research at Unisanté.
Mr. Nussle Sebastien (Epigenetics & Biostatistics)
Sébastien Nusslé is a biostatistician specialized in genetic-environment relationships. Co-author of over 40 scientific publications, he was a researcher in the universities of Lausanne, Bern and UC Berkeley before starting his epigenetic company with his wife. His management and entrepreneurial experience include the direction of the Swiss FIsheries Advisory office, the management of the aquatic division of an environment consultancy firm and the foundation of both a consulting firm in environmental statistics and an epigenetic testing company.
Mrs. Tanackovic Goranka (Genetics)
Goranka Tanackovic Abbas-Terki was trained as a scientist and holds PhD degrees from the University of Zagreb and University of Geneva. In parallel with her PhD studies, she successfully completed an entrepreneurship program at Babson College, Wellesley, USA. Since 2011, she is the CEO of Gene Predictis, a pioneering Swiss company specialized in precision medicine offering innovative diagnostic tools based on genetics that allow tailored treatments for patients.